Every Massage is customized and dedicated in supporting your Health & Wellness Goals. All igniting your own body’s natural ability to Heal & Restore Well Being. Creating Harmony of the Mind, Body & Spirit Connection.

Divinely Balanced Signature Massage

90 minutes $135

This session offers all of the benefits of the Harmonic Massage and Bodywork, along with the addition of a customized intuitive sound healing bringing an even deeper sense of healing.

Harmonic Massage & Bodywork

30 minutes $55 - 60 minutes $95

This is a customized, intuitive session combining relaxation therapeutic techniques with deeper work to problem areas. Incorporating essential oils, balancing the energy system, creating harmony of mind, body and spirit.

Aroma Warm Stone Massage

60 minutes $120 - 90 minutes $150

A unique combination of hot basalt stones and synergy blend of essential oils used to loosen and stretch your muscles, gently massaging away tension and stress. You will find this is a blissful way to soothe the body and mind.

Raindrop Therapy

60 minutes $95

Raindrop techniques use a sequence of nine essential oils, lightly massaged into the feet and spine to bring the body into structural and electrical alignment.

Crystal & Sound Healing Session

30 minutes $55 - 60 minuntes $85

Crystals are placed on and around the body. The healing power of sound and the integration of vibrational energy help the body return into energetic balance.

Pregnancy Massage

60 minutes $95

Massage after the 1st trimester can relieve swelling and edema in the legs, reduce back pain, relieve muscle soreness and tension in the neck and shoulders, while also reducing stress hormones.

Add on:

Bright Eyes $15

Helps diminish puffiness, Brightens dark circles, Helps smooth fine lines

Customized Synergy Blends of:

Flower Essences - Essential Oils - Herbal Tinctures - Salves & Lotions

Gift Certificates Available*

Cancellation Policy

I understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s lives. Last minute cancellations greatly affect my business. Your appointment is reserved for you! Please be considerate and give a 24 hours advance notice to avoid a late cancellation fee of half your full price session cost or full price of Gift Card Value. This amount must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment. This also applies to “no shows.”

Thank you in advance!